Capacitor, .022µF Orange Drop, 716P,CDE Sprague Orange Drop Capacitors Tone Caps Polypropylene .0047uF 715P 472J 600V for Guitar or Bass (Set of2): Industrial & Scientific, CDE Sprague Orange Drop Capacitors Tone Caps Polypropylene .015uF 715P 153J 200V for Guitar or Bass (Set of 2) : Industrial & Scientific, Orange Pi 5 Plus 4GB Rockchip RK3588 8 Core 64 Bit Single Board Computer, 2.4GHz Frequency Open Source Development Board Run Orange Pi OS, , CDE Sprague Orange Drop Capacitors Tone Caps Polypropylene .015uF 715P 153J 200V for Guitar or Bass (Set of 2) : Industrial & Scientific,