i feel like i've been missing out a lot on threads now that work is just busy as fukkk… but when it's friday and the weekend comes… hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
i feel like i've been missing out a lot on threads now that work is just busy as fukkk… but when it's friday and the weekend comes… hiiiiiiiiiiiiii,指定したレートになれば、指値・逆指値・IF-DONE・IF-OCOを発注したい,福岡ライダー パー子♡ (@88paako88) • Threads, Say more,🖤 (@W6Jk2) / X,お値下げ交渉可‼️ブリヂストンBLIZZAK 突きつけ スタッドレスタイヤ&アルミホイール,